
Scratch That

Okay. Do you remember that bit about weekly posts on Friday? Well, life (work) has changed on me and that doesn't quite look like it is going to be happening, so I have to rearrange my schedule. I still plan to get things started up here soon, but I don't know exactly when that will be. I have to focus on my coursework first, as my courses for the current semester all have to be completed within the next 7 weeks. Therefore, I expect that I will start to get things underway sometime after that.


Late Start

Things have been really screwy lately and I haven't had time for much of anything. That said, this Friday, things should get started and what I mentioned in my previous post should come to pass.


What's New!

I've had this blog for a long time and, recently, have not been publishing much to it. I want to change that and I have five reasons why:

I want to share my opinions. I want to tell people what products I like because, while I condemn thoughtless advertising, I am all for recommending products I actually like. I also want to comment on various ideas and situations we encounter in everyday life. I don't intend to limit my posts to certain categories. I will write reviews on everything from tech to video games to personal care(double edge razors, hairbrushes, etc.) items. My other commentary will cover everything issues arising when people encounter the Bible to how fast you should be going when you merge onto the interstate. I'll also cover things like what music or shows I like, but as I type this out I am thinking this would be included under reviews.

I want to improve my English. When I entered college I had a grasp on the English language that earned me perfect scores in my writing classes. I have always attributed that to the fact that I have a long history of blogging. In recent years, with my decline in blogging, social interaction, and my time spent in 日本, I feel like my grasp of the English language has slipped a bit. I am hoping that by writing this blog, I will be able to prevent the dust from gathering on my writing skills, both now and after I return to 日本.

I want to improve my typing. Practice makes perfect, right? I am sitting here typing on the holy grail of English typing instruments but I still only hammer out a meager 38 wpm with roughly 93% accuracy. I have decided that I need more practice and I hope to one day find myself typing at around 100 wpm at the same or better accuracy.

I want to connect with people who care about me. While I am not anti-social, I find arranging any social situation to be exhausting and, as a result, don't really interact with anybody who doesn't live with me. Most people I know are usually unaware of how I'm doing or what I've been up to lately. I want to change that. Furthermore, if anyone feels the need to comment on what I've posted, that will allow dialogue to open up and create a two-way connection where there is normally only a one-way connection.

I want to establish some habits. Basically, I want to publish something once a week on Friday, follow that with schoolwork, and do some software development and 日本語の勉強 every Saturday. The idea here is that if I get started doing one on a regular predictable basis, the others will be as easy as asking myself, "What next?".

After I start building up reviews of different products, I may start to advertise either through Google's AdSense or the manufacturers themselves. This, I hope, will allow you to easily find the products I recommend as my eclectic tastes sometimes require shopping at places outside of Amazon. If I don't like what is being advertised, or I hear from many of my readers that the advertisements aren't helping them find the product I recommend, I will take the advertising off. However, before I start advertising, I want to have several quality reviews posted so that the ads have something to pull data from.

That's all for this week. Watch out for next week's post when I'll give my review on a certain typing instrument.